
星期日, 三月 05, 2006

The Test Pattern wins!

In this week's BBC News magazine there is a non-serious
poll on revival of early TV programs and in a vote (below)
the test pattern or test card won out.

# BBC NEWS | Magazine (p4 of 4)
Rainbow and Play for Today are returning to our screens. What other TV
shows would you revive?
[hbar_limegreen.gif] 16.33%
The Herbs
[hbar_firebrick.gif] 38.95%
The test card
[hbar_lightskyblue.gif] 44.72%

5351 answers so far
Results are indicative and may not reflect public opinion

See http://www.meldrum.co.uk/mhp/testcard/
for a series of British and overseas test cards
(or "test patterns" in North America)

A small collection of international ones is at
But google.com/images or images.yahoo.com or alltheweb.com
for "test card" OR "test pattern" will get about 7000 images
on various pages.

The FAQ is somewhat interesting as to why the system of
patterns were chosen. http://www.meldrum.co.uk/mhp/testcard/faq.html

Probably no new test patterns will be produced until digital
television produced wide screen TV rather than "Academy ratio"
(4 x 3) TV.

Hmm.. I feel that I should find a large pixel one as the Desktop
pattern and maybe the so-called Screen Saver. Has someone already
done it?



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